Maine Equipment Rental Department
The Benefits of Renting Equipment

Get up-to-date technology. The rental market is competitive and we offer recent-generation machines that get jobs done faster and more efficiently. Up-to-date equipment means less breakdowns and less chance of expensive employees standing around on the job site.
Avoid maintenance costs. If you buy the equipment you have to worry about regular maintenance throughout the entire year.
Save on transport efforts. You are not a transport company. You are a construction company. Focus on getting the job done and making money. Let us worry about delivering you equipment when and where you need it.
Pursue new opportunities. Some projects require specialized equipment if they are to be done correctly and efficiently. Buying the equipment may not be economically viable. On the other hand, rental can let you expand your project horizons while staying profitable.
Cut opportunity costs. If you buy instead of renting, you tie up capital that is then no longer available for other projects. That can cost you opportunities you would have liked to pursue. You can keep your options open by renting instead of buying.
Make direct tax deductions. Rental costs are often immediately deductible as business expenses. Purchases of construction equipment on the other hand often need to be depreciated over the lifetime of the equipment.
Improve your balance sheet. This is another one to make bean-counters happy! Your finance department will appreciate the fact that rental expenses are not considered to be a balance sheet liability. Among other things, you preserve more of your company’s borrowing power.